Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What is to come in 2014, at least in January anyway...

So I have made a huge goal for myself for January! 31 days of backgrounds. I really wanted to do something more awesome like a book a day, haha yeh right. School work, and the probability of me needing to pick up my PRN weekend night job because my husband lost his in December, left me really thinking on what could I FEASIBLE DO!

I have been following Kiala Givehand's year journey on YouTube of 52 books-Book in a Day, you can find her channel HERE. That is really where my heart is, making books, and there are many she shared that I hope to make in the new year. But I knew that was not feasible for me, YET. I still wanted to do something creative, as well as share it, inspire, and build my skills up. Heck, as well as use up all that stuff I hoard!

SO keep an eye out, I will posting Day One's video on January 1st!

Thursday, December 26, 2013


I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! It is hard to believe that next week will be 2014!

With the new year comes new goals and organization. I am always looking for new ways to be organized in a  creative way. If you are too head on over to the Amazing Biz and Life  Academy and grab your own 2014 calendar and workbook!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 7th

It is past 1 am here and I am trying to upload some books onto Amazon to sell. So far one has worked of two, and I keep saving the second but it keeps getting marked as inactive and I cannot figure out why. I shall blame I need sleep and go to bed and look at it again tomorrow before I add more books!