Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What is to come in 2014, at least in January anyway...

So I have made a huge goal for myself for January! 31 days of backgrounds. I really wanted to do something more awesome like a book a day, haha yeh right. School work, and the probability of me needing to pick up my PRN weekend night job because my husband lost his in December, left me really thinking on what could I FEASIBLE DO!

I have been following Kiala Givehand's year journey on YouTube of 52 books-Book in a Day, you can find her channel HERE. That is really where my heart is, making books, and there are many she shared that I hope to make in the new year. But I knew that was not feasible for me, YET. I still wanted to do something creative, as well as share it, inspire, and build my skills up. Heck, as well as use up all that stuff I hoard!

SO keep an eye out, I will posting Day One's video on January 1st!


  1. I just found her book-in-a-day videos a couple weeks ago when she was on book 50! I am watching them from the beginning and really enjoying them. On #18 right now. I was fascinated because that is my goal for this winter--to make journals. I wanted to try using cloth on covers and trying different kinds of paper inside, etc. Now watching Kiala I am inspired to try even more ways and mediums and supplies. Fun!

    I look forward to your backgrounds. That is something I love to do and to see how other people do theirs. Sorry to hear about the hubby losing his job!! That really sucks! Dagan and Leah both lost their jobs one winter--Dagan's in Dec and I think Leah's was in Jan or Feb. Rough times. I hope he finds something soon--maybe better--and that 2014 is a really good year! :)

  2. Yes Kiala's videos have been very inspiring and she has tried different ways. I have enjoyed them I have not even watched. I will keep a look out for more journals from you. I am tragic with backgrounds lol so I am about nervous but it will be fun! Plus I have had to relearn Pinaccle for video editing, but then that is good to really.

    ALSO just checked my mail yesterday, thank you so much for my Christmas card, it has been rough here, my dad was in the ICU but came home the Monday before Christmas Eve, so that was good. But my Christmas mood has not been to chipper, I sent cards to no one. That was very sweet. Thank you!

    We will make it, there is always something better than prison, so it is good he is out of that toxicity! Just gotta get something soon!
