Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What is to come in 2014, at least in January anyway...

So I have made a huge goal for myself for January! 31 days of backgrounds. I really wanted to do something more awesome like a book a day, haha yeh right. School work, and the probability of me needing to pick up my PRN weekend night job because my husband lost his in December, left me really thinking on what could I FEASIBLE DO!

I have been following Kiala Givehand's year journey on YouTube of 52 books-Book in a Day, you can find her channel HERE. That is really where my heart is, making books, and there are many she shared that I hope to make in the new year. But I knew that was not feasible for me, YET. I still wanted to do something creative, as well as share it, inspire, and build my skills up. Heck, as well as use up all that stuff I hoard!

SO keep an eye out, I will posting Day One's video on January 1st!

Thursday, December 26, 2013


I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! It is hard to believe that next week will be 2014!

With the new year comes new goals and organization. I am always looking for new ways to be organized in a  creative way. If you are too head on over to the Amazing Biz and Life  Academy and grab your own 2014 calendar and workbook!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 7th

It is past 1 am here and I am trying to upload some books onto Amazon to sell. So far one has worked of two, and I keep saving the second but it keeps getting marked as inactive and I cannot figure out why. I shall blame I need sleep and go to bed and look at it again tomorrow before I add more books!

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Here we are already in November.  A month of thankfulness.

I am very thankful for my upcoming vacation, this will be my third year going to Kennesaw, GA for the Sulky Teacher Certification. On a sad note it will also be my last. They have decided that this will be the last year they teach it. I am hoping they have something exciting coming up to replace it. But I will also be there longer because they are doing an embroidery two day class right after and my yearly roomie and I will be staying for that as well.

Life has been very busy, full of work and school. I hope to return to being more creative soon. I only find small bursts here and there. I have been very fatigued and just now getting back to a little normal.

On a good note I have a job transition coming up. I hope it helps me catch up on being more creative, or at least helps me be able to be more so. I will no longer be scheduling and will be in our Human Resources department doing Lead HR/Recruiter. This will leave me with not having on call, unless I want to help out on some weekends, which I have  few just to get us all through the holidays. I am training my replacement next week and the following week some, will then sit in on our new process for HR, I am already familiar with the HR duties because I was doing them while scheduling, just will give me some fine tune time. Then I will be off on my vacation and when I come back to different job responsibility. I am looking forward to the change and hope it ignites some fire in me. Especially since it is coming on winter and i ma not as prepared as I thought I was! 

Saturday, September 28, 2013


I finally got my AdSense working again! So there is no longer that big empty space under the posts!!!! :) It was very frustrating and the FAQ was so confusing, but I triumphed lol!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Checking in

Ok guys, it has been forever! I have wanted to blog and share many things, I had to prioritize though. Work became very overwhelming when they let the other scheduler go and I was on call all the time and very stressed. Add on school to that and it has been like crazy stressful and I have been suffering from fatigue big time! There is a new scheduler that started  2 weeks ago and she is up and ready, doing the every other week/weekend bit for on call.

SO with that being said, I do want to really start working some long term plans to get my business back up and going, while still working full time and finishing up school. I am not sure it is feasible or not, but I have to at least try and make a plan!

My new motto for the next few months, PLAN THE WORK. WORK THE PLAN.

I have also been thinking of investing in paying someone to re design my blog. What do you guys think?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Clutch Play - online class

I am indeed addicted to online classes! I have so many I have not even made it through and some I signed up for like 3 years ago, so bad! Anyway--here is a review of one I did get through though and recently. It was a short class from Roben-Marie Smith called Clutch Play, below I have some pictures of the one I made my best friends daughter for Christmas 2012.

I have been a fan of Roben's work for a while now and thought about taking one of her journaling classes, but well we all know I sign up for so many and never make it through them so I was really not wanting to spend that much money until I got a feel for how she teaches classes, kind of wanting to knwo her style, you know. So awhile back she put the clutch play class on sale so I thought that was a good opportunity for me to check out her teaching style. 

For myself I already am an avid journal maker and sewer so the class was easy for me and the techniques were not new except for the way she inserted the zipper, which I did enjoy. I do not struggle with zipper though and had already knew a good technique for inserting zippers but her method was new to me and she does not sew it to the inside of, she sews it to the outside, but you cannot tell because of the embellishment over it.

I did enjoy this class but honestly besides the zipper method learned nothing I did not already know or do. But if you have not made a little bag before, or simple journal as well are scared of zippers I do recommend it!  I also do plan on making more but tweaking it a bit for my own needs and sewing style.

I do plan on possible trying a class one day, one of her journaling classes because I so love her style but I have life book this year as well as may other classes I have yet to get through that it will maybe be next year! I am currently trying to get through Painted Faces with Christy, but I am so struggling, sigh!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Today I went to a funeral of a good friend from high school and his wife was an even closer friend. IT was harder than I thought it would be and it just reminds me of how I need to be more involved in my life and live it and love more and more and share and share!

I do have good news, I am transitioning to a new job week after next. Next week is my last week at my current job. I have been blessed to learn a lot there and been blessed with a great opportunity to work with a smaller growing company, I hope that this helps my level of motivation and tiredness!

I also wonder if I should keep blogging. I hardly do it anymore and doubt i get that much traffic. And I still do not love the look of my blog and want to re work it but have not had the time.

Anyway, everyone out there, love someone, hug someone, thank someone, make someones day better! Be Blessed and Be Safe!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

good things

indeed do come to good people! will share more when and if I can, send me good thoughts this way! :D

Saturday, January 19, 2013

LIfe Book 2013

I joined Life Book 2013 this year and this is my first project for week 1. She is on 9x12 paper so a bit got cut of on my scanner, but she is cute.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hello 2013

I hope everyone brought in the new year safely and enjoyably!

I hope to see more of you this year!